How It Works

Step 1: Select Your Categories

As of right now, the AI is split up into two versions. The classic, and the newly developed AI 3.0
If you want to use the classic AI, use the link below to see what sort of styles it can generate.

If you want to use the newly developed AI 3.0, it only knows 1 style, “Extreme Realism”. You can use the button below to get an idea of what it looks like:

Step 2: Select Your Type of Pictures

Once you have that done, you’ll want to actually know what types of photos you want it to generate.
If you are using the Classic AI, use the link below to see what types of pictures it can produce.

If you are using the new AI 3.0, use the link below to see what type of pictures it can produce.

If you want to keep up with what categories the AI knows so far, you can sign up for email alerts here.

Step 3: Select Your Quantity

Choose how many pictures you’d like the AI to produce for you.

  • For 1 picture, it’s $15
  • For 5 pictures, it’s $65
  • For 10 pictures, it’s $95
  • For 20 pictures, it’s $150

Step 4: Upload Your References & Contact

Grab 5 to 15 images that have the person you want the AI to work on, and upload them to your preferred cloud storage like Google Drive, MegaDrive, or Dropbox.
Then, share the link with us. Or, if there’s an Instagram account, just send us the handle.

After that, just use the form below I’ll get the AI to start working on your task, just be sure to have this information handy:

  • Quantity of Pics & their categories
  • Where the AI can retrieve the pics of your reference

Step 5: Wait 5 Days

After you’ve taken care of the payment, give us about 4/5 days to process the AI magic.
We’ll use your references to generate images that are tailored to your taste and categories of choice.


If you are confused at any point. You can simply reach out to us on:

Ready to Order?

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Please Enter Your Email
Choose a style that you want the AI to make
Choose the number of pics you want the AI to generate
If you have a valid coupon, you can enter it here
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 50 files.
Please Upload reference pictures, or just share the link to where they are uploaded in the textbox below
Please type in the type of pictures you want the AI to generate for you here